February: American Heart Month


February is American Heart Month! Campus Rec wants to join in and raise awareness about the importance of heart health. The American Heart Association suggests that adults get at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. That may seem overwhelming to fit into a busy schedule but once broken down, it can be very achievable!

For example, try breaking it up into 30 minutes of exercise, 5 days a week.  Hopefully finding time to fit in a 30-minute workout seems more realistic. This option also allows for 2 days of rest. But of course, the more time you spend exercising, the better the benefits will be!

Some benefits of exercising for at least 150 minutes each week can include:
·      Lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes
·      Improved quality of sleep
·      Fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety

It’s not only important to focus on physical activity, but also the fuel that you’re putting in your body. Foods that are high in omega-3s can provide heart healthy benefits for you, as well as foods that are naturally full of vitamins. Also try reaching your daily fiber intake for increased heart benefits.

Heart healthy food suggestions:

Just to recap, the American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 days a week - as well as including foods that are rich in vitamins, omega 3s, and fiber into your diet.  It’s never too soon to acknowledge the importance of maintaining a healthy and happy heart! By following these tips and tricks, you will gain countless positive benefits.

- Emily, Marketing Intern

Disclaimer:  This article is meant for educational purposes and does not take the place of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  If you have any concerns about your health you please consult with a physician or other health care-professional before starting a fitness program.




