New Year, New You?

New Year, New You?

Follow these 5 quick guidelines to ensure your goals are met this upcoming semester.

1.     Have Clear Goals

Try not to be vague with what you want to get accomplished. Be specific. If you tell yourself I want to lose weight, then for example make it, “I will lose 15 pounds in the next 3-6 months by eliminating junk food and drinking only water”. Also, writing down your goals can help you to figure out the steps that need to be done to get to there. It will also encourage you to get them done.

2.     Make Sure You Stay Realistic and Measurable.

Break down your goal. In order to fulfill it, it will take time. Build a routine in which you know your limit and comfort. When opting to try new things, slowly incorporate them into your routine.

3.     Keep Things Different

Having a lack of variety in your workouts can eventually become boring. Take this new semester as a chance to try things out that you’ve probably been skeptical or afraid to try. Exercise does not have to be a formal activity. You can easily incorporate healthy ways and workouts in your everyday activities. Once they become habits, achieving your goals becomes easier to do without it feeling like a regimen.

“The brain likes comfortable old habits over new different ones.”

4.     Create a Schedule

Activities can become routine and also easier to do when you set up a schedule. Make time for health and exercise, your body will thank you! Squeeze times for workouts in between or after classes/work. Also, keeping a timely schedule will help you to manage your day so that you do everything you want to get accomplished.

5.     Treat Yo’Self

Don’t forget about YOURSELF. Encourage yourself to try new things or to step up a level. Then, choose a reward that won’t undo your hard work. For instance, pamper yourself or have a small cheat with a movie night and popcorn.

Make the Most Out of Your New Semester Goals

Here are 5 ways the Rec Center and Fitness Center can help you achieve your new semester goals and to also help maintain them throughout the year.

1.     Download FIT DEGREE!

Stay up to date with the Rec Center and download the Fit Degree app. This application lets you know how busy the Rec Center is and how many machines are open. It tracks occupancy, sends notifications, and allows students like you, to share fitness related article, blogs and statuses.

2.     Intramurals

There are 6 different types of IM sports available in Fall of 2017. (Flag Football, Indoor Soccer, Bowling, Ultimate Frisbee, Wallyball, Team Handball.) Games are usually and hour long and can be a great form of cardio and exercise. Grab you friends and sign up for a team for your chance to win the coveted Intramural Champion T-Shirt!

3.     Group Fitness Classes / Personal Trainers

Check out our new Fall Schedule for class availability. With over 15 different classes available, we’re sure you’ll find one that suits you! If you find yourself afraid or don’t know where to start with your fitness journey, try redeeming your free 45 min personal trainer session. And for the month of September, make sure you get your free Fit 3D Body Scan assessment.


Located at the corner of Mick Dr. and Victoria Ave, this brand new 17,000 square foot facility features cardio machines, free weights, and a free weight room. Also, making its debut is the new Queenax functional training system that is sure to excite and challenge your new workout regime. Make no more excuses, and take advantage of the two workout facilities on campus!

-Jenn Remache
Marketing Assistant
