
Showing posts from April, 2018

Stress Less: Spring 2018

How to #StressLess Make a Plan With finals approaching, keeping detailed plans are a sure way to stay on top of everything. First, begin by scheduling when your final assignment due dates are and highlight the dates of all of your final exams. Also, keep deadlines for yourself, so that you continue to make progress on studying and assignments and stay on track. Also, don't forget to schedule time for fun and sleep! Maintain Your Health Routines Thinking about switching up your routines around finals week? Think again! Now is the time where you should keep to your health routines. Staying active and eating healthy will help you to power through all that studying! Create a Bomb Studying Playlist Take time to create a fire playlist and try to incorporate music that will keep you inspired, calm and energized.  Have a Support System on Call When things are getting hard, make sure you have a support system th