ZUMBAthon 2017


October commences the annual, month long Breast Cancer awareness campaign. Rowan Campus Recreation has partnered up with The Christina S. Walsh Foundation, a local charity that helps to provide financial aid and comfort to both breast cancer patients and their families. This foundation was established in 2004 in honor and memory of Christina Walsh, who lost her fight with breast cancer at just the young age of 32. Dealing with the illness herself for a course of 2 1/2 years, Christina vowed to help families and patients struggling with financial difficulty. Unfortunately, her vision wouldn’t be carried out in her lifetime. But through her ambition to create and grow an organization from just a beginning balance of $400, it would potentially financially aid many families struggling through the complexities of breast cancer. The Christina S. Walsh Foundation aims to help families in the US. While many other organizations and companies raise money that goes towards breast cancer research, the immediate necessities of a breast cancer victim and their family is often neglected and unnoticed. This foundation’s main goal is to take away any financial burden, so that an importance can be placed on the main journey towards recovery.
Breast Cancer affects 1 in 8 women in the US and is the second leading cause of death between women. This disease is generally and most commonly found in women, but research finds that men can also be affected with it. Each year an estimated 2,600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and 440 will die each year. For women, the facts are incredibly shocking. Every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, and every 13 minutes, 1 woman will lose their battle and die from this destructive disease. Breast cancer claims thousands of lives each year not only in the US, but also around the world. Although numbers seem increasingly large and detrimental, they have been decreasing since 1990 due to early detection, increased awareness, and improved treatment options.
Rowan Campus Rec, in partnership with The Christina S. Foundation brings to you for the second time, Zumbathon, an event where you can come out and join our Zumba instructors for a fun-filled night of dancing to motivating Latin and World music in the group fitness room. Zumbathon takes place Thursday, November 2nd from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Stay for one dance, or stay the whole night. A minimum donation of $5 is recommended, but entrance is free. Raffles and giveaways will be awarded throughout the night. We encourage everyone to wear pink, but it’s not necessary. Come out and support those battling to beat breast cancer! It’s an event you won’t want to miss. LIVE. LEARN. ZUMBA!

-Jenn Remache
Marketing Assistant

Sources: The National Breast Cancer Foundation www.nationalbreastcancer.org.

Christina S. Walsh - Breast Cancer Foundation, www.christinaswalshbcf.org/about.html.
